It is a great honor and privilege to welcome you to Atwater High School. We are excited to celebrate our students with you, and we are looking forward to partnering with you to provide exciting educational opportunities to create college and career-ready graduates through community, respect, innovation, and imagination.
Atwater High School is focused on raising expectations. Expectations in the classroom with student engagement, participation, and learning. Expectations with attendance and tardies. Expectations with student involvement and character.
At Atwater High School, we believe that all students can be successful in school. We are committed to removing barriers and enhancing learning for all students. In our classrooms, we are focused on experiences that allow all students to learn through educational activities that are relevant, inspire engagement, and that promote real-world problem solving skills.
At Atwater High School, we encourage all students to be involved. School involvement promotes learning engagement and a connectedness to school and staff. Our staff thrives on creating relationships with parents and students. We believe our school is the hub of the community, and we want both our parents and students to always feel welcome.
At Atwater High School, we are committed to providing opportunities for all of our students to acquire skills to best prepare them for their future. We are Community. We are Respect. We are Innovation. We are Imagination. We are Awater!
Alexie Parle
Phone: 209-325-1202
The mission of Atwater High School is to provide students with a diverse educational experience that develops academic, technical and social skill sets in preparation for college, careers and life.
We Are Atwater
All AHS students will understand the importance of community, respect, innovation, and imagination and apply these ideas to college, careers, and life.
Community - We make our community better by working together.
Respect - We respect diverse cultures and different perspectives.
Innovation - We create change by sharing innovative solutions.
Imagination - We use our imaginations to pursue our own paths.
“Academic and Athletics with Pride and Perfection.”